Strange Adventure of New York Drummer
Dewey Parade, 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers
A Visit to the Spiritualist
A Wringing Good Joke
Einfahrt in Konstantinopel
Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle
Le rêveil de Chrysis
From Monte Carlo to Monaco
Sortie de la briqueterie Meffre et Bourgoin, à Hanoï
Lancers Under the Earl of Airlie Fording the Modder River
Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park
Le char funèbre I
Launch of the 'Oceanic'
Admiral Dewey Receiving the Washington and New York Committees
Upside Down Boxers
2nd Special Service Battalion, Canadian Infantry: Parade
Dreyfus allant du lycée de Rennes à la prison
Bech Olsens og Poul Pons' brydekamp
Danseuses cambodgiennes du roi Norodom, I
Le roi de Cambodge se rendant au palais
Cortège de gymnastique devant LL. MM.