"Come Tomorrow" (1963), directed by Yevgeny Tashkov, is a much-loved comedy about Frosya Burlakova, a talented young woman from a remote Siberian...
Come Tomorrow...
In the steppes of the Kuban love is born on two collective farms while wheat is (enthusiastically) gathered. Galina, the energetic chairwoman of one...
Cossacks of the Kuban
During World War II, earnest young Russian soldier Alyosha Skvortsov is rewarded with a short leave of absence for performing a heroic deed on the...
Ballad of a Soldier
A graduate of medical school, wanting to stay in Leningrad , Leningrad married - an engineer who designs bridges - Alexis. It was a marriage of...
Based on the trilogy of Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Moscow, XIX century. A small official Misha Balzaminov lives in a small house. He, like his mother,...
The Marriage of Balzaminov
Followed by his two sons, Chuk and Gek, an engineer-explorer heads for a geologists'camp lost in the Ural white wilderness. He plans to spend New...
Chuk and Gek
Story of animal trainers at a circus.
Clumsy Friend
Alyosha Ptitsyn, a third-grader decides that he wants to improve his personality and immediately starts to act.
Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character
In search of an interesting life, Lisa goes not to the south, but to the tundra, and there gets a job as an assistant to the hydrologist of the...
Thirst Over the Stream
Pilot Losev, who lost his family during the war, learns that his daughter Aurika was saved during the bombing, and sets off in search of her. The...
In one of the southern ports, state security authorities detained a spy with a plan for the object of sabotage — a floating dock, prepared for...
The Shadow Near the Pier
Three kids from a coastal village in the Far North discover an old rifle in a cave. They learn about a national hero Guriy Gagarka and organize an...
Mysterious Find
In the ordinary Ukrainian collective farm comes a new music worker, graduated from the Conservatory energetic young girl. She led the fight with the...
One fine day
A young man discovers that his father behaved dishonourably during wartime.
A young woman is going to the village to start working as doctor.
The Country Doctor
Twin sisters Asya and Slavka dream of enrolling in a nautical school. After the first refusal, the girls go to Transbaikalia, get a job at the fur...
Road to the Sea
Photo studio "Contemporary" in a provincial town lives with its everyday problems. The director is concerned over the failure to fulfill the planned...
Zigzag of Success
Drama based on the novel by Vsevolod Kochetov “The Zhurbin Family”. The characters of the picture are a large family of hereditary...
A Big Family