The head of the prison camp is friends with the manager, the head of a criminal gang. An evacuated woman with a child arrives in the city, and the...
Red Sky, Black Snow
In anticipation of the New Year Kate gets her portion of trouble: her lover's leaving, changes at work lie ahead and a box with kittens is at the...
Free Kittens to Good Home
1942 Major Toporkov, who escaped from captivity, makes his way to the partisan camp surrounded by the Germans. The major asks the commander of the...
Дедушка в подарок
The film built a classic love square: two pairs of MSU students are living vicissitudes. Everyone has their own destiny. It all depends on the...
We Will Die Together
Nurse Tatyana lives in a quiet provincial town. Everything seems to be going well with her: there is a good job at the hospital and friends who are...
White Canvas
Two twenty-year-olds meet each other in the sanatorium and fall in love. Ksenia is an alchoholic, Maxim is suicidal. Gradually it becomes clear that...
Pavlov's Dog