The events take place in a comedy setting about a thief breaking into an elephant thinking there is no one in it, but is surprised by the presence of...
Farhan and Zalaan the cousens
عايش وشايش
The events of the Kuwaiti play (Antar Al-Muftlatra) takes place in a comedy mold about a defeated citizen finds himself victim of administrative...
Antar Al Mufaltar
A mother and her three headstrong daughters find themselves in endless humorous situations as they go through life’s daily challenges.
Her Excellency, Mum
The events of the play revolve around the corrupt lining in the Gulf and Arab society in a comedic and purposeful way. The events of the play begin...
Weld Batenha
A social comedy play that deals with many social issues in the Gulf countries, he urged Khamis' life upside down when his close friend exploits him...
Hala Bil Khamis