Kenji Shimamura has trouble being intimate with his girlfriend Noriko after a lifetime of watching his parents bicker over his father’s...
Family Secrets
Twelve year old Sei has hit puberty and is quickly becoming sexually aware, sometimes not as privately as he'd like; erections in school and other...
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the...
Tokyo Rhapsody
A film about family life in Osaka. Following the death of their father, three boys struggle to find their own identity with the help of their...
Osaka Hamlet
At a job interview, Makoto tries to impress the interviewer by telling a lie: "I rode around Japan on stilts. His girlfriend, Nozomi, runs out of...
Kyokyo Jitsujitsu
Kazu, Keisuke, Ippei and Tadashi work for the same advertising company and live in the same company dormitory. The men relieve their stress by eating...
Koukoku Gaisha Danshi Ryou no Okazu-kun Gekijoban