Set one year after the drama series "Moteki." 31-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto doesn't have money, dreams or a girlfriend. He has left his job at a...
Love Strikes!
After the attack on the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the next duty of the fourth office will be to guard the National Assembly building. In the midst of...
SP: The Motion Picture II
Having launched a social media prank about a haunted building, three girls suddenly vanish. Rumours circulate that they were victims of The Ox-Head...
Ox-Head Village
At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro...
SP: The Motion Picture
One day in February, 2005, Metropolitan Police Department Superintendent Muroi (Toshiro Yanagiba) is arrested to take responsibility for a botched...
The Suspect: Muroi Shinji
A work that spun a story inspired by the world view of the song "You Named Me Blue" by jazz singer Yurifa Matsumoto. A short film that you want to...