A squadron of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers find themselves transported through time to their country's warring states era, when rival samurai...
G.I. Samurai
After the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate, there was a series of battles fought while the former supporters of the Tokugawa shogunate retreated to the...
A private detective called "Kiss Shiro", One day, he is shocked to see a rape video brought by his younger brother.
Bad Guy Beach
Film directed by Yorida Katsuya.
Horror House Vol.2: Dream Malevolent Oni - Unending Nightmare
The year 1864: The Shinsengumi, the shogun’s armed force in Kyoto ripped the city apart, with blades in hand, searching for pockets of...
The Goblin of Mt. Kurama
Horror film released in 1991.
Kaiki Senyaichiya Monogatari: !! no Maki
Matauemon Araki (Kotaro Satomi) is a sword teacher in Yamatokoriyama. He heard from his brother-in-law Kazuma Watanabe (Koyo Katagiri) that Kazuma's...
Samurai Vendetta in Iga
A compilation film consisting of 4 episodes of the Japanese TV series "1001 Nightmares".
Bloody! Scary Horror!
The female ninjas have to stop an alliance from carrying out their dastardly deeds, which includes bizarre ninjitsu sex magic to aid them in their...
Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles 4: Rebel Forces at the Threshold
Japanese film based on the life of sculptor Eikichi Takahashi, who died as a soldier on Guadalcanal.
Sound of the Tide
Based on the novel of the same name by Yoshio Kataoka.
The Wangan Highway
The widow of a murdered yakuza boss serves jail time for attacking the man she believes killed her husband. After her release, as she is shadowed by...
The Boss' Wife
Killers Ken and Joji undertake the killing of a man named Sakai. He utters some interesting last words before being shot dead, leading Ken and Joji...
Danger Point: The Road to Hell
In the midst of a bad economy, Yokoyama, the vice president of Taiyo Real Estate, launches a plan to cut back on his labor force. Fifty employees are...
Lifetime Insecurity