Hana is a normal high school student, unsatisfied in her daily life. One day she had a dream and met a 10-year-old girl living in Sengoku Era. The...
From the End of the World
Celebrating twenty years since their debut, Hikaru Utada takes the stage at Makuhari Messe for the final performance of their Laughter in the Dark...
Hikaru Utada Laughter in the Dark Tour 2018
Botchan (Kazunari Ninomiya) has sense of strong justice and does not lie. He is offered a teaching job at a middle in a small village far away from...
Kashiopea no Endo Roru A murder takes place on a luxury overnight train which runs from Sapporo to Ueno, Tokyo. The victim is a film director. The...
This Mystery is Excellent! ~ Challenge from Bestseller Writer
This mystery special consists of three thrilling stories by three notable writers.
Mystery Trilogy Special
For this 16th Anniversary Special, Inagaki Goro is our host once again for 6 spooky tales based on tales from real people and performed here by an...
Honto Ni Atta Kowai Hanashi Natsu Hen 2015
A man finds himself on the seashore of a deserted island. He finds a copy of the tabloid weekly "Shukan Taishu" next to him. He decides to wait for...
A Seaside Weekly Tabloid
Majime, an eccentric man in publishing company, who has unique ability of words, joins the team that will compile a new dictionary, The Great...
The Great Passage
An omnibus special comprised of four segments: >> Story 1: "Ato 15 Byo de Shinu" (あと15秒で死ぬ) Pharmacist...
Tales of the Bizarre: 2021 Summer Special
A short film by Hiroyuki Ohashi.