The first maritime anti-terrorist film in China tells the story of the anti-terrorist personnel of the Chinese police who work closely with the...
Ocean Rescue
In the twilight of the Ming Dynasty, the Imperial court is plagued by corruption as tyrants rule over the land. With the Manchurians preying on a...
The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom
Based on the novel of the same name, the film depicts the endless battles of four kingdoms as they fight for power and domination of the one ultimate...
L.O.R.D: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties
Bai Qian, a goddess and monarch from the Heavenly Realms, is sent to the mortal world to undergo a trial to become a High Goddess. There, she meets...
Once Upon a Time
It’s 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor has destroyed America’s morale. The US President Franklin D. Roosevelt then decides to...
The Chinese Widow
The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng 5
Xin Tan has the ability to create happiness for others through sound, but after using it three times on the same person, his life will be bound to...
The End of Endless Love
Fight The Epidemic 2020: I Am The Doctor
A corpse that was accidentally discovered raises many questions. Using his blade, forensic doctor Qin Ming cuts through the shocking voice of the...
Whisper of Silent Body
The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Cadaverous Claws