Twelve year old tennis prodigy, Ryoma Echizen attends the distinguished school of Seishun Academy Middle School with his eyes set on being on the...
The Prince of Tennis
High school student Kasumi Ogino is a member of the school choir and after years of praise for her singing voice thinks she is the absolute...
Sing Salmon Sing
Ryo Hanaki was raised to be a professional assassin. One day he was defeated by some accident in the mission. Here he meets Rio, an attractive high...
An Assassin
Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Taneda is permanently crashing at her apartment...
Mei has been in love with Yuya all her life. They've grown up together. But when they reach their second year of middle school, Yuya suddenly...
The Red Thread
The story of Teke Teke, the ghost woman with no legs, continues. Conflict arises between a group of high school classmates, and Teke Teke starts...
Teke Teke 2
Brought on by popularity for the series, this DVD Special feats. two half-hour side stories that take place during the events of the show. Both...
Kamen Rider Gaim: Gaiden - Zangetsu And Baron
A boys love story about two musicians who are part of an orchestra. Considered as a musical genius, Tonoin Kei became the new conductor of Fujimi...
Fujimi Orchestra: Cold Front Conductor
Based on the comic book series of the same name by Akio Chiba.
A psychology professor at a Tokyo university finds himself drawn to the younger sister of one of his students.