The story takes place in Japan in both 1986 and 2006. The 1986 storyline follows a gamer named Daisuke who wants to confess his feelings for Kumiko,...
GameCenter CX: The Movie - 1986 Mighty Bomb Jack
Talented detective Matsui is investigating a serial stalker. Four female victims seem to be connected by the same stalker and Matsui is determined to...
That Disappearance
In the year 2040, a mysterious website named Kanuma appears on the government-controlled network Olympus. Takeru, a genius psychologist discovers...
Toru Nakanishi is in his third year at a university. He lies to his ex-girlfriend Mami Higashiyama that he is trying to get a job at a top...
1 in 400,000
Tatsuhiko Shiratori works as a scout, recruiting girls to work in the adult entertainment business. He movies to Yokohama from Shinjuku, Tokyo. He...
Shinjuku Swan II
A young Japanese man named Kota Tanaka (Osamu Mukai) works to raise money and then build an elementary school in Cambodia.
We Can't Change the World, But We Wanna Build a School in Cambodia