The story centers on an elderly hibakusha, whose husband was one of 80,000 human beings killed in the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki, caring for her...
Rhapsody in August
1962 Japanese movie
Sararīman Gonza to Sukejū
Won Jury's Special Award at the Turin International Film Festival of Young Cinema 1993
Just One Time
The Dream Girl
Your Favourite
1961 Japanese movie
Zoku sararīman yajikita dōchū
Chihō kisha
Comedy movie
Ōwarai Jiro chō ikka: Sanshita nitei kenjū
Based on Kazuo Taoka's autobiography, this film follows a Kobe gangster as he builds the small Yamaguchi-gumi into Japan's largest criminal clan.
Third Generation Boss
A straight young woman living in Tokyo becomes involved in the lives of a gay man and his married lover.
Japanese comedy film.
On a snowy winter night, Soetsu, a blind masseur, and his daughter Shiga visit the nobleman Shinzaemon Fukami. Drunk, he assaults Shiga, and when...
Nihon Meisaku Kaidan Gekijō: Kaidan Kasane-ga-Fuchi
Set in Japan during the bubble era, this unique home comedy cheerfully and humorously depicts the daily life of a strange family that works together...
The Yen Family
When the 'Lowly Ronin' helps an orphaned teenage girl avoid being turned into a prostitute, she then claims he is her father and they start a farm as...
Lowly Ronin 5: The Teenage Orphan Girl
The story of a Japanese man who as a 16-year-old went to Maui to work in the sugar cane fields in order to support his family back in Japan. Now 89...
Lanterns on Blue Waters
After an encounter with a dying yakuza's son and at his sister Sakura's urging, Torajiro attempts to change his vagrant lifestyle and become an...
Tora-san's Runaway
A collection of magical tales based upon the actual dreams of director Akira Kurosawa.