A series of tragic events unfolds after Chang Chi-Mao's daughter goes missing as an infant. Chang becomes consumed by revenge against a powerful...
Guilt, Crime, and Sin
In the near future, Taiwan has been occupied and became the province of an evil empire. Chased by the Regime, Yu escapes prison and meets Lien, a...
In the 1960s, two classmates go looking for their missing friends and teachers, all of whom took part in an illegal book club, only to come face to...
Due to his history of theft in the past, Lin Kuan is falsely accused of stealing from his high school classmate. To prove his innocence, Lin enlists...
Three students from Jing Mu Girls’ Middle School go missing and turn up dead. Xiao Tong, a special education student with speech impairment,...
A Place Called Silence
A student from a modest home goes to an elite private school and makes a life-altering agreement with a talking peacock in the schoolyard.
In school, Wang Hsiao-hsia and her childhood friend Yuzu are seen as a couple, but Hsiao-hsia secretly longs for the transfer student Cheng Yih....
I am the Secret in Your Heart
Lee Tien-han, a curious and questioning teenager, comes from a family that seems perfect on the outside. His father, Lee Yi-feng, is an ambitious...
Blind Love
At a birthday party, a sex video is filmed without consent and Ren Li-cha is the girl in the video. The clip circulates among the students and Li-cha...
Girl's Revenge
The film is set in a pre-Covid Taipei, where a group of disenchanted souls are lost in a parallel virtual world.
Bo Knows Love
Xiang Wei-xin, a 17-year-old high school sophomore, regards eating as the most important and most healing thing in life. The first time she met her...
My Best Friend's Breakfast
The daughter of the long-established photo gallery fell in love with a South Korean exchange student because of her extraordinary talent for...
The Photo from 1977