A poignant moral dilemma unfolding against lush mountainous landscapes, The Albino’s Trees follows Yuku (Ryohei Matsuoka), an animal control...
The Albino's Trees
A boy who can't eat a tomato was pushed by his mother to overcome his least favorite. When he swallowed it, something sprouted from his own body. The...
Boy Sprouted
Set one year after the drama series "Moteki." 31-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto doesn't have money, dreams or a girlfriend. He has left his job at a...
Love Strikes!
Seeking to exact revenge upon Yoji, Yukio travels to an area surrounded by the sea, desert and lava topped mountains. There, Yukio meets mysterious...
Petrel Hotel Blue
Set 2 years after prior film "Bayside Shakedown 3: Set the Guys Loose," a major case occurs that has the potential to take down the entire police...
Bayside Shakedown The Final: The New Hope
Frustrated with her mundane life, a Tokyo office worker becomes obsessed with a fictional movie that she mistakes for a documentary. Fixating on a...
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter
Squid have 10 legs. Octopuses have 8 legs. Added together, that’s 18 legs.
In pre-WWII Vancouver, second-generation Japanese immigrants had it tough. Daily, they faced discrimination, hatred and injustice at the hands of...
The Vancouver Asahi
Nitobe and Sakamoto are childhood friends who now work at the front desk of a capsule hotel. Nitobe has a particular fondness for philosophy and...
Shell and Joint
After the death of this mother, Masao Oneta (Teppei Koike) decides to leave the comfort of his room after years of self isolation and get a job. He...
Genkai in a Black Company
Riko is 27, working as a love simulation game designer, and she no longer has big expectations for a man in her life. One day app company TIMEIS,...
My Long Awaited Love Story
In a present, Asako, a housewife, lives with her 5-year-old son in a country side, separated from her husband who runs kindergarden. When she was...
Underwear Affair