Kenji Shimamura has trouble being intimate with his girlfriend Noriko after a lifetime of watching his parents bicker over his father’s...
Family Secrets
A treasure appears in front of antique dealer Norio Koike (Kiichi Nakai) and potter Sasuke (Kuranosuke Sasaki). The treasure is Hideyoshi...
We Make Antiques! Osaka Dreams
A Distant Cry from Spring (TV Movies). After Tamiko Kazami 's husband passes away, she works their dairy farm. People around her oppose her, but she...
A Distant Cry from Spring
The central Kansai region of Japan is the setting for the historic cities of Sakai and Kyoto. Noda and Koike from We Make Antiques are back and...
We Make Antiques! Kyoto Rendezvous
Kota hears about an impending 1.5 billion yen gold bar heist from his friend Kitagawa, a former college classmate, and decides to take part. The gold...
Fly with the Gold
Sakai is a city near Osaka by the bay famous for its swords in the old days and kitchen knives today. Norio is an antique dealer in the city. Sasuke...
We Make Antiques!
Tourists, foreigners and outcasts converge on the streets of Osaka in this sprawling ensemble drama by Japan-based, Malaysia-born filmmaker Lim Kah...
Come and Go