Enigmatic teenager Akira Inugami is, by night, a powerful werewolf, who falls for a beautiful young teacher, and copes with a ruthless teen gang...
Horror of the Wolf
A poor artist becomes obsessed with a rich young woman who is about to become engaged and decides to kidnap her. Understandably she is not happy...
Ashiya reijô: Ikenie
When Chuta, a badly injured mouse, staggers off a ship in Tokyo Harbor, he bumps into out-of-towners Gamba and Bobo, who are at a party being given...
The Adventure of Gamba and the Otter
Gamba, an adventurous mouse, embarks on a journey with his childhood friend Bobo. They gather experienced mice sailors at a harbor. They encounter...
The Adventurers Gamba and His Seven Friends
It tells the story of Rock, a puppy whose mother is killed by a tiger and a fox. To fulfill his revenge, will achieve together a large number of...
Doggie March
In a summer in Shonan village, Sumiko is the daughter of an important upper-class Shikishima family, she loves to paint pictures, is going through a...
On the Beach
A female freelance programmer is teamed up with a high school computer genius for a project. The weather is hot, it’s late, she unbuttons her...