Master thief Lupin the Third and his friends have to compete with a greedy banker and her minions to help solve a mystery leading to a treasure that...
Lupin the Third: Missed by a Dollar
Suzume, 17, lost her mother as a little girl. On her way to school, she meets a mysterious young man. But her curiosity unleashes a calamity that...
The story takes place in a future where the human race has expanded and inhabits a multitude of planets in the universe with fantastic technology....
Kiddy Grade II: Maelstrom
Kiddy Grade III: Truth Dawn
Kiddy Grade I: Ignition
Superior technology may have bloomed by the year 2012, but it has not changed the face of humanity. For young men like Kay, life is still plagued by...
When the evil Yo-Kai Kin, Gin and Bronzlow makes the Yo-Kai Watch disappear from time so they can help Dame Dedtime prevent humans and Yo-Kai from...
Yo-kai Watch: The Movie
A documentary filmed behind the scenes during the making of Hirokasu Kore-eda's 2008 film "Still Walking."
Making 'Still Walking'
After a harrowing period of war, the countries of Valcania, Dulkheim and Igrecias form a confederation and begin a new system of political order....
Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of Time
The stars of the popular Capcom fighting game come to life in this exciting anime series. Join Edward Falcon (who can transform into a rocket-powered...
Power Stone: Vol. 6: The Last Battlefield