During the reign of the 11th Shogun, a series of supernatural incidents occur every night in the Edo Castle. A beautiful inspector appears with...
The Vampire Inspector
The film deals with the recruitment of race car driver Jiro Miki (Masao Kusakari) and his dog, Caesar, to a group of people who use ESP,...
An entertaining but silly and fairly forgettable action film with much tongue-in cheek James Bond influence
Kill the Night Rose
The fourth film of the “Truck Yaro” series. A comical road movie of two long-distance truckers, “Momojiro” and...
Truck Rascals in Fever Heat
Fairy Beauty
Reiji and Takashi, although they are brothers, differ from each other like fire and water - Reiji is an empath, and Takashi will use anybody, to get...
The Tide Does Not Return
This extraordinarily complex film is not only a send-up of every samurai film ever made, it is also an extrapolation of the value of life. The...
The Phoenix
In the era of the ninth shogun, Ieshige, the Ooku of Edo Castle was a world of only women, with Tokiwa at the head and numbering up to a thousand. ...
Shogun's Harem: The Mansion of Evil Spirits
Light comedy about three high-school girls on the campus.
Lemon Girls on the Go
Two former design school classmates, 21-year-old office worker Kyoko and illustrator Jiro, run into each other on the street and soon begin living...
Living Together
Death stalks a towering hotel under construction in Tokyo and love brings the guilty parties to a justice of their own choice. The motives are...
Skyscraper Murder Case
Romantic drama based on the manga published in Young Comic.
The Shinano River
A remake of the 1957 classic "Man Who Raised a Storm" with Watari Tetsuya in the title role.
The Stormy Man
A documentary about the 1974 film Prophecies of Nostradamus, released to coincide with the latter's release. It featured several prophets and experts...
Secret Prophecies of Nostradamus
Professor Nishiyama, after studying and interpreting the prophecies of Nostradamus, realizes that the end of the world is at hand. Unfortunately,...
Prophecies of Nostradamus
Comedy of two brothers working at a local governmental office.
The Instant Services Bureau
Jun Hashizume and Goro Ibuki appear in this traffic historical drama that will allow the elderly to reconfirm traffic safety. From an accident that...
Kurama Tengu no Otoshiyori no Kotsu Anzen
One night, a passenger car driven by Kyoko hit and killed a woman. Her husband, Dr. Nogami, who was a passenger in the car, hid the body in the grass...