Emiko Hayasaka (Seiko Matsuda), who lives in Hawaii, has arranged a marriage with Akira Kuniyoshi (Shinji Yamashita), the son of the president of a...
Legend of Plumeria
Oshima, a rich girl married Shinzo, and her cousin girl Sawa has been jealous of Oshima deeply. Sawa cursed Oshima so Shinzo could not hold her and...
The Possessed
Live-action adaptation of Jun Hatanaka's manga "Mandaraya no Ryota".
Ryota from Mandalaya
A student, running late on the day of the University of Tokyo entrance exams, calls in a fake bomb threat in order to arrive on time.
Examination Hell
Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. She...
In a fishing town by the Seto Sea, a student discovers a woman motionless on the beach and takes her back to his family's inn to nurse her, but he...
Permanent Blue
Keiichi (Kenichi Hagiwara) is a weather man. He gets involved with two married women, Yoshiko (Mitsuko Baisho) and Miyoko (Chieko Baisho). Both want...
Women Who Do Not Divorce
Kota Mizutani, a 10-year-old boy whose health worsened after he saw a murder, is brought to Akiko's clinic by his mother Mariko. Kota says that two...
監察医 室生亜季子㉚ 震える顔
A high school girl is invited to an old family's historic Hinamatsuri (Girls' Festival), but becomes entangled in an anomaly caused by the curse of...
Ghosts of the Dolls