A talented but troubled Edo Period swordsman, Kanemi Sanzaemon. Three years earlier, Kanemi killed a woman, Renko, the corrupt mistress of the...
Sword of Desperation
Based on a novel of by Nukui Tokuro, Hohoemu Hito tells the story of Nito Toshimi who, after graduating from Japan’s most difficult university...
The Smiling Man
Japan, 1590. Wandering samurai band together to take on the lord of Skull Castle in this “Bird” version of the dynamic show performed in...
Seven Souls in the Skull Castle: Season Bird
The second collection of "Rabu cinema" which the expectant six directors took in full digital video. Spoofed comedy by Director Koshi Mihara of...
Amen, Somen and Rugger Men!
The body of a professor is discovered at a university lecture hall suspended from the ceiling of the stage, with a series of mysterious numbers...
Professor Eiko
Loan shark Ginjiro Manda meets with a former client, design firm CEO Tominaga. It was Tominaga’s wife who saved Manda from bankruptcy 10 years...
The King of Minami Returns: The Seal of Betrayal