The first installment in the series of fantasy swordplay action movies starring Riki Takeuchi. Muramasa, a mystical blade imbued with the grudges of...
MURAMASA Chapter 1: Awakening
The second installment in the series of fantasy swordplay action movies starring Riki Takeuchi.
MURAMASA Chapter 2: The Power of Words
Kozue loves to stargaze and does so regularly. On a trip to view a meteorite, she happens to meet a boy named Ginga. He has a mysterious ability to...
Hoshizora Kiseki
A woman confirms her love for a man by testing him. What is the last action taken by the man who was being tested...?
Princess HIME 1: The Woman Who Loved Too Much
After terminally ill Bussan finally passes away he misses hanging out with his still living friends and decides to return to Kisarazu. In his ghost...
Kisarazu Cat's Eye: World Series
Collection of short films: Spaghetti Napolitan (Atsushi Kaneshige) 3:15 PM (Hiroyuki Nakano) Iron (Hiroyuki Nakano) Lighthouse (Hiroyuki Nakano)...
Otokotachi no uta