Yoshinori returns after six years to his family house, where his mother Etsuko lives alone. His decision to return is sparked by the seventh...
The Blood
Kabuki Drop
Kodokunogurume ōmisoka supesharu ~ tabe-osame! Setouchi shutchō-hen ~
In middle school, Futaba Yoshioka was madly in love with Tanaka Kou but he moves away with his mother. She is reunited with him later in life but he...
Blue Spring Ride
Tales of the Bizarre: 2016 Spring Special
Yuna has a crush on Haru. She sees him on the train every morning when she goes to school. She doesn't know anything about him and he goes to a...
Commuting to School Series Commuter Tram
Yuki is introverted and not very good with love. She has a crush on somebody, but he already has a girlfriend. Kou is in the same art club as Yuki...
Commuting to School Series On the Way to School
Matsuoi and his wife Tsuya moved to Oshima City because of her unpredictable character. Even though Tsuya continues to have affairs, Matsuoi loves...
Before the Vigil
Based on Fuyumi Ono's best-selling books, these 10 tales of spookiness by six Japanese horror directors are designed to chill viewers to the bone.
Kidan Piece of Darkness
Two sisters Tae and Yo come back to their old house which is soon to be torn down. Clearing up the family mementos, Tae finds a red box full of...
What's for Dinner, Mom?
Kei (Izumi Fujimoto) is a 19-year-old college art major. She moves to Kobe from Tokyo due to her father's work transfer. There, she learns about the...
Kobe Zaiju: The Movie
Kagerota is a young ninja who embarks on his first mission: stealing the goldfish from a wealthy samurai. He succeeds, but then a mysterious fat cat...
Neko Ninja
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun...
Shinokubo Story
Manami runs the snack bar “Snack Bar Sayoko.” She raised her daughter Sayoko (Izumi Fujimoto) alone. Her father is known as Angel and...
Ogawacho Serenade
When Sonoko enters a traditional Japanese arranged marriage with Amamiya facilitated by her parents the resulting union is loveless including the...
A Flower Aflame
Tales of the Bizarre: 2012 Autumn Special
Ryota Tanaka, a young man who was struggling to become a manga artist in Tokyo, came back to his hometown in Fukuoka, feeling the limits of his...
Sketches of Life
Last Attack: Hikisakareta Shima no Kioku