Based on a real warrior from Thailands Ayutthaya period, 'Broken Sword Hero' follows the heroics of legendary military general Thongdee. From the...
Broken Sword Hero
After a tragic loss of his lover, Nuer goes on a monkey training in order to avenge for her death and to deliver his brand of justice with Li-in, his...
Monkey Twins
Pran Boon, or Hunter Boon, saves a child's life by killing a young Sming that attacked him. Little did he know that the young Sming was not the only...
A man released from prison learns that his brother has been brutally beaten and left in a coma. As he tries to find those responsible, he learns his...
Set right before the fall of Thailand's old capital, Ayuttaya, Bang Rajan draws on the legend of a village of fighters who bravely fended off the...
Bang Rajan
Pol returns to his hometown only to find out that Mam, the girl who he secretly loves, is being courted by a drunken foreigner, Bug Johnny. Together...
Love U Kohk-E-Kueng
A time-travel adventure that takes place during the Cold War when a US military base in Thailand was testing the Taklee Genesis, a warp-speed...
Taklee Genesis
This story of magic and adventure takes place in the frontier land of Siam, filled with peace and happiness, until Lord Panwa decided to mine a...
Spirits War