Set in a barren, futuristic Tokyo of highways and wastelands, a rowdy group of punk bands and their fans gather to protest slow, boring, Japanese...
Burst City
The newly divorsed singer Kumi is not too enthusiastic about life as a single mother. She drops her son to her ex-husband, leaving her band and...
Carnival in the Night
Destroy Vicious
Video collection of live performances by THE STALIN in Shinjuku during the 1980s indie era.
Your Order! The History of the Stalin
Music film with various Japanese rock artists from the 1970s–1990s appearing as themselves.
If you loved movies such as Shonen Merikensack and GS Wonderland, then this one, which predates the former, will impress you as well. The story is...
Iden & Tity
Pig heads, intestines, megaphones: all these and more have been thrown into crowds of loyal fans following the influential punk band THE STALIN or...
Mother, I've Pretty Much Forgotten Your Face