The story begins when Geki Red battles Nunchaku Banki after returning from his trip around the world for Natsume's birthday, with Geki Yellow and...
Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
While in the middle of fighting, the Gekirangers and Mere are teleported to Hong Kong, along with Rio and various other martial artists around the...
Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle
The team-up movie between Juken Sentai Gekiranger and GoGo Sentai Boukenger. Gekirangers are visited by Boukengers when someone from space with...
Juken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
Theatrical play based on the Danganronpa video game as performed at Nippon Seinenkan on October 30, 2014.
Danganronpa The Stage ~Kibō no Gakuen to Zetsubō no Kōkōsei~
Ouran Academy is a prestigious school with most students coming from wealthy families. One of the few students who comes from a modest background is...
Ouran High School Host Club
After their latest win, the three Gekirangers find the Kensei stretching for their annual Kensei Great Athletic Meet. Jan, wanting to win the gold...
Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Gyun-Gyun! Fist Sage Great Athletic Meet
Two identical twins, Subaru and Homare, are deadlocked in a death match to determine who becomes the new leader of their clan. After the epic...
Yakuza vs. Ninja: Part I
After an epic showdown results in near fatal injuries for two twin brothers fighting for the claim to their ninja clan, one brother is saved by a...
Yakuza vs. Ninja: Part 2
Kakeru, a former elite runner at high school, is chased for stealing food. He is saved by a Kansei University student Haiji, who is also a runner....
Run with the Wind Stage Play