The age-old heroes of Journey to the West get resurrected in modern Korea in the zany fantasy comedy Super Monkey Returns! In present-day Seoul, evil...
Super Monkey Returns
The plot is instantly familiar in the great martial arts tradition, being set in a small town which is home to two rival masters, one who practices...
Three Kims
The child of the president of Korea and the child of an elite gangster attend the same school. Soon, a rivalry develops between the two kids'...
Balibali Jjang
An unemployed man and an underaged girl bond over the drama in their personal lives.
Boy Meets Girl
When Aryong, the daughter of a triad boss from Hong Kong is accused of killing the boss of a competing triad, she goes into hiding in Korea. Upon...
My Wife Is a Gangster 3
Trained in the skills of sea power, Pi the fish can fight a shark, sink a squid or batter any random predator that ever threatens his friends and...
The Reef 2: High Tide