Detective Jack Spencer is investigating several strange disappearances. His investigation brings him to question a local energy consultant, Dr. John...
Unknown Spectre
Based on the stage musical of the same name, this is the tale of a princess who grew up loving fairy tales and finds herself thrust into one where...
The Princess Knight
Luca, a made man, brings his new girl to his family's dinner. What follows is a standard crime family meal: shouting, guns, and insults.
Meatball Assassino
Ray Roberts, a handyman, is called to an old house by it's occupant, an old woman who seems helpless. Making his way to the basement to help her fix...
House Call
When a pharmaceutical rep accidentally kills a mob boss with bad drugs, he’s thrown into the life of a hit man.
A Special Agent is called in to solve a murder, using a device that would allow him inside the memories of the victim. While there he not only solves...