Lillian is a Jewish dancer who has a number of admirers, including Farid, a wealthy lonely young man. Lillian leaves Farid in order to go to...
Seraa El Gababera
In the 1960s, the lives of three college classmates, Ismail, Zainab, and Helmy, take a dark turn when the three of them are arrested and tortured as...
جرب حظك
(Tariq Al-Fangari) is a stingy man, his three sisters suffer from his miserliness. (Tariq) takes one of the public buses and if an accident occurs,...
Sareq El-Mahfaza
The carefree existence of a spoiled man comes to an end when his mother is arrested. With no education or tangible skills, the man’s only...
The Road
A rich young man named Ahmed falls in love with a poor girl called Farida, but he does not know that she is poor. To make a plan to present it to his...
Chakawet rejala