The story of Sport and Spoon - two young hustlers who attend the eponymous convention, only to get tangled up in a financial disagreement that leads...
Hustlers Convention
Examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in US society from 1967 to 1975. It features footage of the movement shot by Swedish journalists...
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975
Solidarity follows pioneering New Zealand rappers Upper Hutt Posse after they're invited to the United States by the Nation of Islam. They perform...
Abiodun Oyewole is known over the world as a member of the revolutionary group The Last Poets. What the world doesn't know is how Abiodun went from...
Harlem's Last Poet
A deep exploration into the historical, cultural, political and musical elements that created the genre, featuring present-day conversations with...
From Scratch: The Birth of Hip Hop