A young woman struggling with addiction comes into possession of an ancient puzzle box, unaware that its purpose is to summon the Cenobites, a group...
Benjamin is a young queer millennial actor living in West Hollywood who was once a famous child actor. When a new neighbor Chase moves across the...
Howdy, Neighbor!
Morris navigates his way through a mandatory stay at Sweet Dreams sober living. In an attempt to get his life back on track, he agrees to coach a...
Sweet Dreams
Before their eventual team-up with Scooby and the gang, bright and optimistic Daphne and whip-smart and analytical Velma are both mystery-solving...
Daphne & Velma
A group of gay friends head to Palm Springs to ring in the New Year. Things take a terrifying turn as the friends all search for someone to kiss at...
Midnight Kiss
A mom and dad who usually say no decide to say yes to their kids' wildest requests — with a few ground rules — on a whirlwind day of fun...
Examining grief, gaslighting and female friendship with a thriller twist, Wilder Than Her picks up with tight-knit friends Emilia, Finn and Lucey as...
Wilder Than Her