Winter's End is a thriller set on a rural, isolated farm. Amy Rose lives on this farm with her two brothers Henry and Sean and we follow Amy's...
Winter's End
Set in contemporary Dublin, this is a timeless urban tale about "Clocker" and "Sanga", two young street kids whose innocence is starkly contrasted by...
A Dublin Story
King Charles VI declares that Knight Jean de Carrouges settle his dispute with his squire, Jacques Le Gris, by challenging him to a duel.
The Last Duel
'Lost and Found' is a film with 7 interconnecting stories set in and around a lost and found office of an Irish train station.
Lost and Found
A young Christian boy attends a druid worship that is attacked by invading Irish tribes. Taken captive, he is taken back to Ireland to become a...
St. Patrick: The Irish Legend
Set in and around the male and female toilets of a Dublin jazz bar. A drama concerning the trials and tribulations of two lowly paid toilet...