Though legendary lyricist Howard Ashman died far too young, his impact on Broadway, movies, and the culture at large were incalculable. Told entirely...
A CELEBRATION OF DISNEY CLASSICS - FEATURING ALAN MENKEN In 1989, THE LITTLE MERMAID marked Disney’s glorious return to the genre of the...
Hollywood in Vienna 2022: A Celebration of Disney Classics - Featuring Alan Menken
For the first time, viewers have unprecedented access to the fast pace and high stakes world of Broadway. Cameras are backstage during a performance...
Backstage With Disney on Broadway: Celebrating 20 Years
Ryan Seacrest hosts the second Disney Family Singalong featuring celebrities and their families as they take on their favorite Disney tunes from...
The Disney Family Singalong - Volume II
Three brothers go to the mountains to release the ashes of their recently deceased father. When they meet someone that they never knew.
End of the Trail
Adam Jacobs was the original "Aladdin" in Disney's smash Broadway musical, with a list of other hits like Les Miserables and Something Rotten, but...
Adam Jacobs - Behind the Curtain
The Dog House is a legendary New York dive bar, owned by an extraordinary family. Three people, from different back grounds, enter at closing time on...
Last Call in the Dog House