A distinguished military leader whose reign was touched by great scandal, shocking betrayals and rousing victories. A simple shepherd boy chosen to...
In the land of Israel, Solomon (Jimmy Smits) is trying to figure out a way to become the world’s supplier of frankincense. He sends an envoy to...
Solomon & Sheba
Under Pharaoh Amemphis III's reign, the most powerful in the kingdom, as vizier Burkis and a fanatic and xenophobic priest, will try to overthrow the...
The Shadow of the Pharaoh
Rudi Schlosser and his ex Anna travel to Marrakech (Morocco) for their daughter Tina's wedding. Only there they learn the groom isn't a German...
Ein Sommer in Marrakesch
Blinde Passagiere
A veteran of the Indochina war, a doctor emigrated to Kabylia. He is torn between his love for the sister of a rebel group and his duty as a patriot.
Le vent de la Toussaint