Its story revolves around Aditya, a criminal lawyer gets married to a pop star Anjali and wants to kill her for her wealth. Bar dancer Sailu is in...
Bhama Kalapam
Salaam Hyderabad Hindi movie parts. Starring Ali, Aditya Om, Mukthar, Geetha Singh, Jeeva, Narsing
Salaam Hyderabad
A real Social Drama with most unexpected twists, Story Based on true events took place during 1980s in North Coastal AP.
Depicts the rise of Bhola Kevat a low cast boatman in the interiors of Uttar Pradesh rising to the unexpected heights of political power. Bandook...
Nani, a marriage broker, gets a proposal to find matches for three sisters. Things take an unexpected turn when he lands up at the house of his...
Lahiri Lahiri Lahirilo
A bunch of wedding caterers lead by Santhanam run from trouble and land in Trichy - only to find more trouble. In Trichy, the problems are bigger...
Pattathu Yaanai
Maya, a film star, a diva, has reached a personal deadlock in life. She has seen it all done it all but a black hole of emptiness engulfs her entire...
The Dead End
Babu Rao, Raju and Shyam are in desperate need to make money due to various situations in their lives. An MNC company offers them a lucrative way to...
Dhanalaxmi I Love You
Alif is the heartwarming tale of a Muslim madrasa kid trying to adapt to the convent school culture and the hostilities he faces.
The lessons of this movie can be summed up thus: if a ghost tries to friend you, and you want to live, do not accept.
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