This is a story of two teenage love birds, who defied parental counsel and chose to live their lives as they saw fit. It is a story of youthful...
Harvest at 17
Agya Ntow introduces his wife, Rose, to Jimmy Cash as his niece for financial consideration. Soon, Jimmy starts dating Rose which causes a rift...
Sika Sunsum
Effe, is a pretty young woman who prefers dating much older, and usually married men. Effe leaves her home to escape her mother’s criticism of...
A Stab in the Dark
Akata and Akatsa are banished from their village for stealing. Their wandering brings them to a village where they become instant heroes when they...
Asante, a hearse driver in Ghana, wants a wife. His profession puts most women off. He falls in love with a client whose mother has died, and manages...
No Time to Die