Set in an alternative world of Bungo Stray Dogs, this "what-if" story imagines if Atsushi Nakajima was in the Port Mafia and Ryūnosuke Akutagawa...
Bungo Stray Dogs the Movie: BEAST
Kengo, who is saddened by the loss of his girlfriend Sayuri in an accident, meets an eccentric high school girl, Umihana. Her father, Shaman...
The Shaman’s Daughter
An attempted interpretation in Super 8 of a 19th century woodblock print book, printed by Japanese artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi, from his series "One...
One should never be cured
Even though Gennosuke and Oboro are from rival ninja villages, they are secretly in love. At an annual conference with the Lord, it is dictated that...
Shinobi: Heart Under Blade