Meiji Tenno portrays the buildup to the Russo-Japan War. In addition to showing the political events that led to war, it also shows the era from the...
Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War
Suspense film based on the "Carbine Gang Incident" that happened in June 1954 in Japan.
kyôfu no kâbin jû
Japanese comedy film.
A spectacular comedy with a star-studded cast that depicts unusual trials and unexpected verdicts regarding the five deadly sins: the crime of...
Nonki saiban
Home drama about tin craftsmen and their families in downtown Tokyo. Though poor, they do not lose their cheerfulness or give in to oppression.
Emperor & Empress Meiji and the Sino-Japanese War
Japanese drama film.
Akatsuki no Kyūshū
In the northern province, two waitresses Mieko and Hanako from Tokyo, are missing somewhere near the River Kitakami. At night, the villagers of...
The Blood Sword of the 99th Virgin
A group of Japanese soldiers land in Chinese territory. They advance on a village ; one soldier, Norimoto, is killed in the attack, but the village...
Mud and Soldiers