A retired Vampire slayer settled with a family of her own, has to face an old but powerful vampire nemesis. Her husband steadfastly refuses to...
The Vampire King
Seven years ago, a man convinced Lucifer was within him brutally murdered his wife and child. Now, Eric and Hayley move into the same house after...
Lucifer's Night
Ten year old Anne adopted by a Vampire Slayer (Wraith) kills a ruthless Vampire. 25 years later and now married with two teenage kids. The Vampire...
Vampire Resurrection
A group of teenagers go for a partying weekend in the woods, but unknown to them the woods is home to a legend. The legend of a young girl who was...
The Small Woman in Grey
An anthology of the 23 best short films created for the Shortcuts to Hell UK Talent Competition with FrightFest, the Horror Channel and Wildseed...
Shortcuts to Hell: Volume II