In the town of Buck Creek in 1899, the residents live in fear from a murderer known as the Buck Creek Killer. The sheriff decides to assemble a team...
Death After Dusk
Dazed and heartbroken, Alice pieces together the memories of life with her late husband into new memories with the unexpected love she finds in New...
The Perfect Destiny
Lifelong best friends, Maddy and V, set out for a relaxing vacation. When their old college clique hijack their plans, V finds herself at a remote...
Everwinter Night
Features Rev Run as he brings audiences on a hip-hop reimagining of The Nutcracker ballet set in NYC.
The Hip Hop Nutcracker
Follow the filmmakers, cast, and crew as they navigate the challenges of bringing Death After Dusk to life. From behind-the-scenes struggles and...
We Made A Movie. - The Making of Death After Dusk