After seeking to live a normal life, Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the mutant Weapon X program and becoming...
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
When a solar eclipse sends a colossal blast of super chilled air towards the earth, it then sets off a catastrophic chain of events that threatens to...
Arctic Blast
After a dream about a murder investigation, a professor discovers a pregnant woman in her house. When she enters, details about the crime resurface.
Bully Bob is in love, but it is very difficult to say it. At the same time beautiful Sally interested in making their presence felt. When a sudden, a...
Bølle Bob og smukke Sally
Two young artists use love as a safety net against the fear and pain in their lives in order to propel them deeper into their art.
Seattle Road
A teen endures a terrifying exorcism in the hopes of unlocking shocking secrets about the church and his family.
Gates of Darkness
Charlotte and Brandon meet online just after their previous relationships have imploded; in an effort to make themselves more appealing, they have...
The Way We Weren't
Deeply ensconced in a top-secret military program, three pilots struggle to bring an artificial intelligence program under control ... before it...