Marlie, a dutiful assistant who dreams of being the theater's next great actor, struggles to wrangle a flamboyant cast of characters for a closing...
Tito is 23 years old with a mother who loves him and a car that allows him to earn an honest living. His neighbors see him as a formal and educated...
The Good Demons
In 1991, the USSR is falling apart and Cuba enters its hardest economic crisis. Sergio, a professor of Marxism who can't provide for his family, and...
Sergio and Sergei
A mother tries to offer support to her daughter who is beginning her career.
The Premiere
President Barack Obama visited Cuba on 2016, the first trip of a US president since the 1950s. In 2017, Donald Trump was elected signaling changes in...
Hijos de la revolución
In Havana, where economic difficulties are numerous, two young people try to find out if love and aspirations can survive in a city defined by...