The fourth installment of the hottest video anthology. Featuring the sexiest and most beautiful goddesses from Philippine cinema, in their most...
Sexposed: Sex in Philippine Cinema Vol. 4
Joe de Liryo hosts a radio show called Dr. X and girls call him to ask for advice on their sex lives, one day a Ms. Lonely Girl calls, whom is the...
Dr. X On The Air
Separated as children, two brothers find themselves on opposing sides of the law as adults, with one working as a cop trying to take down the drug...
Masamang Ugat
Law Law Gang is about a group of petty thieves who found themselves incarcerated for petty crimes they did trying to survive their respective hard...
Law Law Gang
Dominic and Miguel, the school's most notorious students, are challenged when the school participates in a quiz show to upgrade the image of the...
A.B. Normal College
The moment the doctor confirms his wife's pregnancy Carlo felt a sign of a curse coming to life. It's the curse caused by his errant grandfather, the...
Two orphans, George and Bin who are also aspiring singers decide to leave the orphanage with hopes of achieving their dreams. Unfortunately, they end...
S2pid Luv
In this magical movie, an overseas Filipino worker named Badong Bulaong (Robin Padilla) returns in the country after working in the Middle East. Upon...
Jeannie, Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang?