A young woman travels to Alexandria to visit her father, and becomes unwillingly involved with a bizarre sadomasochistic cult led by the charismatic...
Night Terrors
Abba Ganuv is the heart warming story of single father "chiko" Ben David - a struggling sailor and his only son Ben.
The Skipper
The Skipper 2
Adapted from Yoram Kaniuk's best-selling novel, this heart-rending love story unfolds during the siege of Jerusalem in 1948. A young and beautiful...
Himmo, King of Jerusalem
This is a story of a relationship between three men: Amin, a Palestinian nationalist; Joseph, an Israeli peacenik; and Colonel Shalit, a right-wing...
Streets of Yesterday
From 1977 to his untimely death in 1993, Amos Guttman directed six films, all of them deeply personal reflections of his own life. Interviews with...
Amos Guttman: Filmmaker