Biographical documentary about Álvaro Barreirinhas Cunhal (1913-2005), lider of the Portuguese Communist Party for over half a century, living...
Álvaro Cunhal: A Vida de um Resistente
Using film and television footage taken during the revolutionary movement of April 25, 1974 in Portugal, and mixing it with music and live interviews...
Good Portuguese People
The history of Portugal since the Republican revolution of 1910 to the revolutionary period following the military coup of April 24, 1974, recounted...
Deus Pátria Autoridade
Film directors with hand-held cameras went to the streets of Lisbon from April 25 to May 1, 1974, registering interviews and political events of the...
As Armas e o Povo
A personal biography of the leader of the PCP (Portuguese Communist Party) seen through the eyes of those who were close to him and those who studied...
Alvaro Cunhal