When monstrous creatures threaten to destroy an ocean kingdom, Little Singham dives in to save the king, princess and other deep-sea dwellers from...
Little Singham Samundar Ka Sikandar
Centuries ago, Damyaan, a Sorcerer was granted a wish to be immortal by the Book of Magi with a rider/curse that he would be confined to the City of...
Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan
In a journey back in time to the ancient city of Mirchigadh, Little Singham vies for the title of Ultimate Warrior and fights a zombie king’s...
Little Singham: Mahabali
Little Singham's sidekick monkey, Chikki, is stuck in the magical land of Bandarpur! Can the kid cop save his beloved pet before danger strikes?
Little Singham Bandarpur Mein Hu Ha Hu