Two tales of migration. In the first, after a tailings dam disaster floods her hometown, rural worker Joana (55) moves to São...
Cidade; Campo
Clara, a lonely nurse from the outskirts of São Paulo, is hired by mysterious and wealthy Ana as the nanny for her unborn child. The two women...
Good Manners
The story of the decline of the Soares family in the final months of the 19th century. Isabel is the dying mother, and her daughters are Maria and...
All the Dead Ones
Singer that so speaks to the moon / my story is the same as yours / my love also ran away.
Let the Storm
Quito is a teenager who isn't comfortable with whom he is. He wants money to get his driver's license and change everything about his life. His...
Sandra is pregnant and wants a girl. Her husband Marcos wants a soccer player.
Flávio loses his sexual appetite editing porn videos. José, his husband, is trying to create an equation that determines when humans...
Unlearning to Sleep