Natalie is the owner of a successful farm and home goods store that garners the attention of a major magazine. The magazine sends a reporter named...
Christmas in Pine Valley
BENJAMIN follows a handful of characters (all criminals of varying degree), but at it's core is about the strained relationship between two loan...
In the comedy, Velvet's House Party, former trailer park maven, Velvet Hiney, has escaped the trailer park and set up new digs in the suburbs. She...
Velvet's House Party
In order to save her home publishing company from being sold, ghostwriter Becca must go all the way to Arcania with famed action star Lee to secure...
Love Marks the Spot
When romance novelist Kate Smith suddenly gets writer's block as she's beginning the final installment of her international bestselling steamy Bed 'n...
Wait with Me
When a young housewife becomes enthralled with the world of BDSM, she must keep it a secret from her suspicious husband or pay the consequences.
Secret Life of a Dominatrix
Based on Aileen Wuornos’s early life, this is the true story of America’s most notorious female serial killer, who went on a killing...
Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeywoman
Trapped in our gig jobs economy, an aspiring masseur learns the sacrifices required from an experienced massage therapist.
The Unsure Masseur