In the tradition of Fantasia, Make Mine Music is a glorious collection of musically charged animated shorts featuring such fun-filled favorites as...
Make Mine Music
A talent agent sells his girlfriend to a nightclub – as two separate acts. The deception and constant costume changes are too much for his...
Movie based on the classic student football competition between UNAM pumas and the Polytechnic donkeys that were popular at that time. A mechanic is...
¡Viva la juventud!
The film features the six children of the Telerin family, characters created by the brothers José Luis Moro and Santiago Moro. The Wizard...
The Dream Wizard
Don Juan-type manipulates his roommate into helping him mount ridiculous schemes to get next to a girl he has his eye on.
Spring in the Heart
Mexican-American playboy anchors his yacht offshore of a Veracruz fishing village and chases skirts in town.
¡Qué bravas son las costeñas!
Director Hal Walker's 1945 musical comedy stars Betty Hutton as a hat-check girl at New York City's famous nightclub. The cast also includes Barry...
The Stork Club
The goings on of a few members of a radio show's audience is the premise for this feature film derived from the popular ABC radio show of the 1940s....
Breakfast in Hollywood
Aspiring big-band singer who doubles as an art forger takes in a teenaged runaway who wants to be a showgirl.
Vístete Cristina