A girl living alone in a post apocalyptic wasteland finds herself hunted down by marauders who want her to fight in their fighting pit for their...
In 1994, a young family of Bosnian refugees find themselves in a little Dutch village after receiving their residence permit. Absurd situations occur...
Incredibly enough, one day before the start of his pension and just hours before his 65th birthday, window cleaner Alfred suddenly finds himself...
Once Upon a Ladder
Nine year old Finn lives with his father in a small town. Together with his best friend Erik he plays football, but he prefers to play music. His dad...
Two women hide a dead man in an autumnal forest. He wakes up again the next day. In a flashback it becomes clear what happened and why. Now that...
Emma, a dissolute young woman with a strong desire to become a mother, has finally found the love of her life to settle down with. When she receives...
The Contract
In a society in which conscious lies and double morals are easily justified with excuses and laughs, a needlessly complex society is created, that...
“Keep it clean!” – The new president is serious about that, including looks. When Paul, whose large jug ears are quite apparent on...
The Club of Ugly Children
An 11-year-old boy who suffers from the consequences of a traumatic event goes in search of his father in the Black Forest. During this search he...
Where the birds go
When the bored out philosopher Maarten Moreau gets caught up in a robbery, he accidentally gets hold of the weapon. Seized by a renewed appetite for...
Boy Meets Gun
A woman travels to a remote village in the Dutch countryside to find her friend who has mysteriously disappeared.
The Descendant