In 1970, with the Kent State protests as a backdrop, sixteen-year-old Bobbie and her professor parents Kate and Rob, are torn between their high...
Three Birthdays
A playful and illuminating self-portrait of writer Jeremy O. Harris as he workshops and mines Slave Play, the provocative play that thrust him into...
Slave Play. Not a Movie. A Play.
When Terry, an eleven year-old boy, is abandoned by his father at a highway-side pumpkin patch, he spends a peculiar and life changing night with...
Pumpkin Hell
After experiencing a traumatic misfortune, Jasmine French, a wealthy woman from New York, moves to San Francisco to live with her foster sister...
Blue Jasmine
The O’Mallerys have gathered in their local park to share some barbecue and rousing straight talk while they await their youngest...
On the eve of her son's wedding, a WASP matriarch becomes transfixed by the idea that her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, a black woman, is the devil.
A Plague of Wasps